Give me the gift of a grip top sock.
A dip drape ship shape tip top sock.
Not our spiv slick slap stick slip stop stock.
But a plastic elastic grip top sock.
None of your fantastic slack swop slop
From a slapdash, flash cash, habberdash shop.
Not a knick knack, knit lock, knock kneed knickerbocker sock,
With a mock shot blob mottled, trick tick tocker clock.
Not a super sheer, seersucker, pukka sack smock sock.
Not a spot speckled, frog freckled, cheapskate’s sock
Off a hotch potch, moss blotched, botched, scotch block.
Nothing slip slop, drip drop, flip flop or clip clop.
Tip me to a tip top grip top sock.
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