
Riva Capellari

[email protected]

Located in Brookside in the heart of Kansas City

The Canvas Before Us (Joy Zimmerman)

We have a wonderful singer/songwriter here in Kansas City. Joy Zimmerman has been keeping her music alive all through this pandemic with videos, newsletters and outdoor house concerts. It also gave her the inspiration to compose new work and record a CD, “The Canvas Before Us” ( now available from her website

Continue reading The Canvas Before Us (Joy Zimmerman)

The Mechanics of the Respiratory System

Books to Read

Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman and Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D

Meds and the Voice

Check out for more information on specific medicines and their effect on the voice.

How is Your Voice Doing Today?

Pay attention to how you use your voice and how it functions throughout the day. Is it fatigued? Hoarse? Are you losing your voice by the end of the week?

Vowels Within Us

Try the “vowels as mantras” exercise and discover this powerful connection to these energy centers in our body.