
Riva Capellari

[email protected]

Located in Brookside in the heart of Kansas City

That Time of Year!

Stress: any demand placed on the body (Hans Selye).

Bodymind and Voice: Foundations of Voice Education, Vol. 1. L. Thurman, EdD & G. Welch, PhD, co-eds. The VoiceCare Network, 2000.

Outside Ourselves

Augmented Feedback: feedback that originates outside our personal sensory system.


Vocology: The Science and Practice of Voice Habilitation. Titze, I. Verdolini-Abbott, K. National Center for Voice and Speech. 2012.

Neural Pathways

Single/unique mapping: the path from a given set of initial conditions to a single outcome. This concept may enhance the development of automaticity for skill acquisition.



Vocology: The Science and Practice of Voice Habilitation. I. Titze and K. V. Abbott. NCVS, 2012.

Deep Thinking

Depth of processing – type of cognitive operations involved in various mental activities.


Vocology: The Science and Practice of Voice Habilitation. Titze, I. Verdolini-Abbott, K. National Center for Voice and Speech. 2012.


Voice Doctors

laryngologist and otorhinolaryngologist

A laryngologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the larynx while an otorhinolaryngologist is a physician specializing in ear, nose and throat diseases.

Professional Voice User

Someone who uses the voice as a primary means of occupational communication. This encompasses a large number of people working in disparate professions. The crucial aspects of defining these professionals are: 1) a requirement for communication by means of the voice and 2) the production of a clear vocal sound that carries with it its

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